Amid the rising cases of COVID-19 in the country, Rajasthan has reported two fresh cases, according to the Additional Director of Health, Ravi Prakash Sharma. Three COVID-19-positive were found respectively in Sawai Man Singh Hospital and JK Lone Hospital in Jaipur.
Earlier, NITI Aayog member Dr VK Paul asked fellow citizens not to panic about the new COVID-19 variant JN.1 and assured them that the Centre was taking the necessary precautions to combat it.
Speaking to the media, Dr VK Paul said that the new variant does not cause serious illness and the 16 deaths that have been reported in the last week were people with serious comorbidities. “We must remember that COVID-19 has not gone till now, and the people need to be a little vigilant. The government needs to be prepared for everything and hence, the government is continuously focusing on the sequencing and surveillance work,” he added.
Rajasthan University of Health Science’s Vice Chancellor Dr Sudhir Bhandari asked fellow citizens not to panic about the new variant JN.1 due to the strong vaccination programme in the country. Dr Sudhir Bhandari said, “Once the genome sequencing result is not, then we can make out that this variant belongs to which lineage of the omicron.” However, he advised senior citizens and patients with comorbidities to be a little extra cautious.
“This variant is not very critical, symptoms are mild to moderate but senior citizens and patients with comorbidities may face critical conditions and hence we advise them to remain isolated,” Dr Bhandari informed.