In a new development, the Haryana government has reinstated the services of IAS officers Vijay Dahiya and Jaibir Arya suspended in two separate cases this year. Following the charges of corruption, the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) Haryana had initiated the action against both officials which led to their suspension later. Orders to reinstate the services of both the officers were issued by the government on Thursday.
Notably, there was constant talks that both of the officers are likely to be reinstated after the recent winter assembly session lasted on December 19.It is noteworthy that Dahiya was arrested in the month of October by the Anti Corruption Bureau on charges of taking a bribe of Rs 5 lakh and after a few days, he got bail in this case. It is pertinent to mention that before this, Poonam Chopra, accused of taking bribe, was also arrested by the Corruption Bureau and an amount of Rs 5 lakh was recovered.
The matter was revealed in the complaint filed by complainant Rinku Manchanda to the Bureau mentioning that Poonam Chopra had talked to Vijay Dahiya the then Commissioner of HKRN in front of him on social media. After that he had given Rs 2 lakh in advance to get his payment of Rs 40 lakh. Similarly, IAS Jagbir Arya was also arrested in the case of taking bribe in exchange for transfer. Rs 3 lakh taken in the case was also recovered from him. SIT was formed to investigate the case and he was sent to judicial custody after remand.