Bollywood actress Pavleen Gujral was the showstopper at the recently held fashion spectacle, “A Gala Fashion Extravaganza,” hosted by International School of Design (INSD) as part of their annual talent showcase for 2023. Held at the esteemed Westend Hotel in New Delhi, the event showcased the exceptional prowess and visionary designs of INSD students in fashion, interiors, and graphic design.
Bollywood luminary Pavleen Gujral, known for her roles in acclaimed movies like Gehrayian & Sukhee, graced the event with her charismatic presence.
In a candid conversation actress Pavleen Gujral said, “My experience had been amazing attending this Gala Fashion Extravaganza. Designers are also artists so after watching their talent I feel very excited. I am very happy to see the vision of the fellow artists who are the future of the fashion Industry. Recently I worked with Shilpa Shetty in the film Sukhee. She had created a great environment at the sets. We used to eat together. She is a great artist. My three webseries are releasing shortly.”
This grand affair marked a confluence of creativity, craftsmanship, and style, inviting esteemed guests and fashion aficionados to witness an array of stunning collections and innovative concepts.
The event embraced the theme of “Contemporary Designs,” exploring diverse motifs including Black and White, Futuristic Fashion, and Cultural Fusion, transcending boundaries and offering a glimpse into the imaginative world of fashion. Each collection presented by the INSD students narrated a unique story, meticulously crafted with finesse and innovation.
Sunjey Aggarwal, Founder and Chairman of INSD said, “We, at INSD, live and breathe design, and this annual event is a testament to the boundless creativity of our immensely talented students. Their designs are a testament to our finely designed academic, practical, and industry-centric training.”
The Gala Fashion Extravaganza wasn’t solely dedicated to fashion; it also shone a spotlight on the finest upcoming talents in interior design and graphic design. The event aimed to create a posh environment, elevating the experience of enjoying a top-of-the-line runway show.