Although the Congress may have faced defeat in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly elections, the party is now putting in full effort for the upcoming elections in the Karnapur Legislative Assembly seat in Sri Ganganagar. On Tuesday, Congress candidate Gurmeet Singh Kooner’s son received support from former Chief Minister and veteran Congress leader Ashok Gehlot. Alongside this, Ashok Gehlot wrote on social media that on January 5, the public will vote for the symbol of the hand.
He told the residents of the area that the people of Karnapur have always expressed their love and blessings to Gurmeet Singh Kooner, outlining the narrative of the region’s development. He said, “I am confident that all the residents of the area will also make Roopendra Singh Kooner victorious and offer true condolences to Gurmeet with their votes.” It should be noted that on the Karnapur seat, Roopendra Singh Kooner is contesting against Surinderpal Singh Titi, the former minister from the BJP. Additionally, the Aam Aadmi Party has chosen Pirthipal Singh Sandhu as its candidate from here. Apart from these, a total of 12 candidates are contesting from the Karnapur seat.