The Speaker of the Himachal Pradesh Assembly, Kuldeep Singh Pathania, organized a pre-session all-party meeting in his office chamber, appealing to ruling, opposition, and independent legislators to contribute constructively to the conduct of the winter session. In attendance were Parliamentary Affairs Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan, Chief Parliamentary Secretary Mohan Lal Brakta, member Sukhram Chaudhary, and independent legislator Hoshiyar Singh.
During the meeting, Kuldeep Singh Pathania urged all members, emphasizing the significance and distinguished history of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly, to prioritize and discuss the issues of their respective constituencies within the boundaries of regulations and seek meaningful responses from the government. He requested prompt factual responses from the ruling party to the members’ queries. He pledged to ensure that all members have the opportunity to voice their concerns, fostering substantive and practical deliberations in the assembly. Additionally, Pathania assured that topics of public interest would be brought to the assembly for discussion.