In a scam targeting an elderly individual and his son from Haryana, three perpetrators managed to deceive them of Rs 36 lakh, promising a journey to America but diverting them to Dubai. The Sadar Patiala police station has initiated a case against the accused individuals, identified as Baldev Singh of Patiala, his son Gursevak Singh residing in Panaudian village, district Patiala, and Jajpal Singh from Dodda Sahib, tehsil Budhlada, district Mansa.
As per the complaint lodged by Gursharan Singh of Sangrauli Kaithal (Haryana), the victim, Baljeet Singh, is his neighbor, and Jajpal Singh is described as his guru brother. The complaint details that Jajpal Singh visited their residence, where he duped Baljeet Singh of Rs 36 lakh on the pretext of facilitating his son Abhishek’s journey to America. Shockingly, it was later revealed that Jajpal Singh, in collusion with the other two accused, Baldev Singh and Gursevak Singh, orchestrated Abhishek’s relocation to Dubai instead of America. The police have initiated an investigation into the matter, and a case has been registered against the three accused, both father and son. However, as of now, none of the accused have been apprehended. In another fraudulent case involving an amount of Rs 13.28 lakh, a young woman was deceived with the promise of being sent to Canada. The Civil Line police station has registered a case against five individuals, including a married couple, but no arrests have been made thus far. The accused are identified as Avtar Singh and Munisha from Malwa Enclave, Patiala, Mankush Prateek Singh from Ekta Vihar, Anand Nagar, Jheel Road, Patiala, and Chirag Bhalla from Preet Gali Raghomajra, Patiala. According to the victim, Dimple Sharma from Suncity Patraan, she aspired to travel to Canada and, during this pursuit, came into contact with the accused. They assured her of facilitating her journey to Canada upon payment of Rs 13.28 lakh. Despite fulfilling the agreed-upon payment, the accused neither arranged her travel to Canada nor refunded the money upon her request. The Civil Line police station is actively investigating the case.