The Additional District and Sessions Court of Chandigarh issued notices to BJP MP Kirron Kher and her personal assistant (PA) Sahdev Salaria on Friday, following the anticipatory bail application filed by businessman Chaittnya Aggarwal. In a legal development, the court also summoned Kher and Salaria while directing them to appear in person or through a duly instructed pleader on December 15, 2023, at 10 am to respond to the claims made by Aggarwal.
In the summoning order, ADJ Jaibir Singh stated, “Whereas Chaittnya Aggarwal has instituted a case/application against you, you are hereby summoned to appear in this court to answer the claim and file a written statement, if required, with all the documents upon which you intend to rely in support of your defense.” Similar instructions were issued to Salaria.
Aggarwal, through his counsel Pardhuman Garg, approached the court after MP Kirron Kher filed a police complaint against him on Wednesday, accusing him of forgery and cheating. The complaint alleged that Aggarwal had defrauded her of Rs 6 crore out of the Rs 8 crore she entrusted to him for investment.
In response, Aggarwal, in his bail application, has requested the Chandigarh Police to provide him with a seven-day prior notice in case of any potential arrest related to an FIR registered against him at any police station in Chandigarh, based on the complaints filed by Kher and Salaria.
Furthermore, Aggarwal asserted in his plea that the respondents, being politically influential individuals, have the potential to falsely implicate him in a case as an act of revenge. Seeking protection, he emphasized his apprehension that he might face unjust consequences.