Today, Ranbir Singh Bhullar, the MLA of Ferozepur City constituency, hoisted the green flag on a bus destined for the pilgrimage to Sri Anandpur Sahib and Sri Damdama Sahib under the ‘Chief Minister’s Pilgrimage Scheme.’
Speaking on the occasion, MLA Ranbir Bhullar conveyed that with the initiation of this scheme, residents of Punjab will have the convenience of free travel to various pilgrimage sites across the country. He mentioned that the expenses of the pilgrims traveling under this scheme will be covered by the Punjab government.
Bhullar informed that, as part of this scheme, a pilgrimage will be arranged from Ferozepur City constituency to Sri Anandpur Sahib and Sri Damdama Sahib (Talwandi Sabo). The bus will depart for Sri Anandpur Sahib today and reach Sri Damdama Sahib the next day, returning to Ferozepur in the evening. Medical check-ups were conducted for the pilgrims, and special bags, containing necessary items, were distributed to them. Bhullar said, “Inaugurating this scheme, we are facilitating the residents of Ferozepur to embark on a pilgrimage to Sri Anandpur Sahib and Sri Damdama Sahib without any financial burden. The Chief Minister’s Pilgrimage Scheme is a commendable initiative by the Punjab government, and we are committed to ensuring that the people of Punjab can explore various sacred places across the nation.