In an operation in Ludhiana’s Jagraon area, the police have arrested a supplier involved in smuggling opium from Jharkhand and selling it at lower prices. The suspect, identified as Ajmul Ansari from Patharghatiya Dubrajpur, Jharkhand, was apprehended with one kilogram of opium. The police have filed a case under the NDPS Act against the accused in City Police Station.
ASI Sukhdev Singh, deployed in the CI staff, reported that during routine patrolling at Malk Chowk, they received confidential information about the suspect engaging in large-scale drug trafficking. The accused was transporting opium from Jharkhand, and Ludhiana was one of the cities where he supplied opium at affordable rates.
At the time of his arrest, the accused was traveling on a bus, smuggling opium from Jharkhand to Ludhiana. Upon receiving the tip-off, the police initiated a checkpoint at the bus stand gate for thorough checking. During the search, the police successfully seized one kilogram of opium, and a case was registered at City Police Station.
The investigating officer stated that the accused, during police interrogation, revealed that he had completed his education up to the eighth grade. Due to poverty at home and a lack of formal education, he learned tailoring to make a living by opening a tailor shop. However, due to low earnings from tailoring, he turned to opium trade as a means to earn money quickly and become wealthy.The police officer further explained that the accused was so cunning that, to avoid the police, he initially traveled by train to reach Ludhiana. From Ludhiana, he boarded a bus bound for Jagraon, intending to sell opium in the local market. To ensure that the opium’s scent would not attract attention, the accused had ingeniously applied perfume to the opium packets.
The police are currently interrogating the accused to gather information about the network and individuals involved in opium trafficking. This will aid in taking legal action against others linked to the illicit trade.