BJP MLA and prominent leader from Rajasthan, Dr. Kirori Lal Meena, visited Mehendipur Balaji in Dausa on Saturday. He sought the blessings of Balaji Maharaj and wished for prosperity in the state. During the visit, the temple priests welcomed MLA Kirori Lal Meena by applying tilak on his forehead.
After the visit, MLA Dr Kirori Lal Meena interacted with the media and mentioned that Mehendipur Balaji is in his home district, so he frequently comes here for darshan. Responding to the question about becoming the Chief Minister, he stated that whoever receives the blessings of Balaji Maharaj and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will become the Chief Minister, and he is uncertain about upon whom the grace will be bestowed. He also mentioned that he is not in the race for the Chief Minister’s position.