A sum of around 300 crores has been seized during income tax raids on all locations associated with Jharkhand’s Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu, prompting strong reactions from Punjab BJP President Sunil Jakhar. He has decided to launch a public agitation against such revelations and has directed all district heads in Punjab to organize district-level protests so that this kind of corruption within the Indie alliance is exposed, revealing their true face to the public.
He sarcastically questioned all parties involved in the Indie coalition about whether they would claim harassment by government agencies for such discoveries of black money.
He said that if anyone today misunderstands that the same old game continues in the name of politics, they should dispel their misconceptions because India has changed, and Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of the country, not at the mercy of any weak government.
In a statement issued from Chandigarh, Jakhar said that with the exposure of such black money games, the intentions and dealings of the Indie alliance have been laid bare. He expressed surprise that if it is a sign of a Rajya Sabha MP being involved in such transactions where notes are stuffed into bags, what kind of account will be made for unknown locations?
He alleged that this accumulation of black money is actually being done by the Indie coalition to use it in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.”