The recently arrested dismissed police officer, Sandeep Singh, was taken into custody by the police in Bathinda for allegedly selling weapons from the police station armoury to drug traffickers and gangsters. Sandeep Singh, who was previously serving as a constable in the Dayalpura police station, faces accusations of making more than 12 weapons disappear from the armoury, subsequently selling them to narcotics traffickers and gang members. After the recovery of weapons from a gangster, it was revealed that the accused had made these weapons vanish while being posted as a constable at the police station. Sandeep Singh, the dismissed constable from the Dayalpura police station, is implicated in the case of making more than 12 weapons disappear from the armoury, selling them to drug traffickers, and gang members, resulting in his dismissal. In February 2023, three accused, namely Hani alias Shubham, Himmat, and Heera Lal alias Laddu, were arrested by the police under the Arms Act. When the three accused were apprehended, 455 foreign-made weapons were seized from them. Further investigation revealed that Sandeep Singh was the source of these foreign-made weapons. After a thorough investigation, the police officially named Sandeep as an accused on Monday. He was arrested late at night on Monday and presented before the court. The police obtained a two-day custody remand for Sandeep Singh. During the interrogation, Sandeep Singh made several disclosures. It is noteworthy that when Sandeep Singh was posted as a constable at the Dayalpura police station, he made more than 12 weapons disappear. The revelation of the case came to light when the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the police arrested drug traffickers from Rampura. The accused revealed to the police that they had purchased the weapons from Constable Sandeep Singh. Subsequently, an SIT investigation found that Sandeep Singh was involved in large-scale arms malpractice. The then SSP Gulneet Singh Khurana had dismissed Sandeep Singh from service.