Chief Minister Manohar Lal said that he is ready to conduct Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together. When Chief Minister Manohar Lal reached Hisar, he expressed joy at the victory in three states with the workers. The Chief Minister said that the BJP-JJP coalition will take policy decisions on time.
After the massive victory of the BJP in three states, Chief Minister Manohar Lal said that the public has endorsed the policies of the central government. The results of these elections will definitely have an impact on the 2024 Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections. He said that we are ready to conduct Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together. This will have an impact on the Haryana Vidhan Sabha elections. On the question of the BJP-JJP alliance, the CM said that a decision on this will be taken at the right time. The CM said that he did not have a coalition before the elections. After the elections, circumstances arose, and we had to form a coalition. The decision on such issues will be taken as per the policy at the right time.
Speaking at the BJP office in Hisar, Chief Minister Manohar Lal was welcomed by the workers with garlands. Workers expressed their happiness by playing drums and throwing colored powders. While talking to the media, CM Manohar Lal said that the BJP is forming the government in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. In Telangana, the BJP’s seat has also increased tenfold.
The people of all four states have trusted the policies of the central government and our election manifesto. The public has rejected caste-based and slogan-based politics. On the question of the BJP-JJP alliance, the CM said that policy decisions are taken as per the time. Before the elections, we did not have a coalition. After the elections, when circumstances arose, we had to form a coalition. The need for it will be decided as per the policy at the right time.
On the question of conducting Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections together, he said that if the elections come together, we are ready to conduct them together. Regarding the issue of the cylinder in Haryana, similar to Rajasthan, the CM said that decisions are made for such issues according to the time. Apart from us, no one has given a pension of 3000 for old age pension, kerosene-free, and BPL income limit of 1.80 lakh.
The CM said that by 2047, India will be a developed country. For this, both the government and the people have to work. Developed India resolution journey is being launched to reach the plans of the center and the states to the public. There is nothing like the misuse of government machinery in it. On the demonstration of AAP and Congress leaders in the three states, the CM refused to comment on the questions asked.On this occasion, Urban Body Minister Dr. Kamal Gupta, Rajya Sabha member DP Vats, Deputy Speaker Ranbir Gangwa, and other attended the event.