In the capital of Rajasthan, Jaipur, there has been a face-off between BJP and Congress on 19 assembly seats. In Jaipur, a total of 3,867,750 votes were cast. Moreover, in this assembly election, BJP’s voting strike remained at 63.15%. BJP has won 12 out of the total 19 assembly seats in Jaipur. In the previous assembly elections in 2018, Congress won 10, BJP won 6, and independents won 3 seats. After that, Alok Beniwal, Babulal Nagar, and Laxman Meena joined Congress. According to this calculation, Congress’ voting strike was 52.6%, while BJP won 31.5% and independents won 15.7% of the seats.
BJP and Congress candidates in tough competition
BJP’s Diya Kumari from the Jhotwara seat achieved a significant victory. She defeated Congress’s Sitaram Agrawal by 71,368 votes. Meanwhile, despite staying ahead throughout the day in the Hawa Mahal seat, R.R. Tiwari lost. BJP’s Balmukund Acharya defeated Tiwari by 974 votes. Similarly, from the Amer seat, BJP’s Satish Puniya lost by 9,092 votes. From the Civil Lines seat, Pratap Singh Khachariyawas of Congress lost. Ameen Kagzi won from the Kishanpol seat. In Adarsh Nagar, Congress’s Rafiq Khan is leading. Balmukund Acharya has won from the Hawa Mahal seat.
Bagru takes the lead with 2407 NOTA votes in Jaipur
The results of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly elections are out. On November 25, a total of 3,867,750 votes were cast for the 19 assembly seats in Jaipur. In this election, 75.91 per cent of votes were cast for the 19 assembly seats in Jaipur. While the public chose the government enthusiastically through their votes, many voters used NOTA (None of the Above) to reject the candidates of political parties. This time, in Jaipur district, NOTA (None of the Above) was chosen by a total of 23,906 voters. Meanwhile, the highest NOTA votes were cast in Bagru, which was 2407, 0.61 per cent of the total votes. In addition, only 105 NOTA votes were cast in Jhotwara, where the dissatisfaction with the government was somewhat evident. This time, the BJP won 12 seats and the Congress won 7 seats in the Jaipur district.