In the Gujarat assembly elections, the then state in-charge Raghu Sharma was accused by a Gujarat Congress leader of taking money and adjusting the ticket. Patel mentioned these allegations while addressing the press conference held on Thursday at Jaipur. Gujarat Congress leader Tejas Patel put a survey report in front of the media and said that his name was at the top in all the surveys on Mansa seat of Gujarat but before the ticket distribution, Congress leader Mauleen Vaishnav contacted him and introduced him to Raghu Sharma. During the meeting, Raghu Sharma demanded Rs 10 crore for the ticket and said that the money had to be paid to the top authorities. However, Tejas Patel’s ticket was cancelled due to not paying the money on time.
Patel alleged that the person who was made the Congress candidate in his place lost by 39 thousand votes. He also alleged that when Raghu Sharma was in charge of Gujarat Congress, he took Rs 400 crore from the BJP and distributed the wrong tickets, due to which Congress had a crushing defeat in Gujarat.
Patel claimed, “Raghu Sharma wrongly gave tickets to more than 50% of such leaders by taking crores of rupees. These were the people who were not even working in Congress or on the ground. Because of this for the first time even Congress MLAs had resigned from the party.”
Patel alleged, “Both Raghu Sharma and his son Sagar Sharma are immersed in corruption.
They have also implemented the Sagar Tax in Kekri. Due to this poor people are thugged. Even before this, when Raghu Sharma was the Medical Minister of Rajasthan, he had committed corruption worth crores of rupees by looting the hard-earned money of the people.”