On the occasion of Jaipur Foundation Day, the Jaipur Heritage Photo Exhibition, under the Rajasthan Photo Festival, started on Friday at Hotel ITC Rajputana. This exhibition will continue at the hotel’s Welcome Art Gallery until November 20. It showcases pictures of the Pink City, capturing both its new and old aspects. The exhibition was inaugurated by former IAS officer Pavan Arora, ITC Rajputana’s General Manager Deependra Rana, senior PR professional Jagdeep Singh, Hotel Safari’s MD Pavan Goyal, SDM J.D. Maheshwari, RAS Pankaj Ojha, RAS Priyanka Jodhavat, Anoop Shrivastava from the Wax Museum, and educator Narendra Rawat.
Seventy participants are taking part in the exhibition, including 20 journalists and 50 other photographers. The exhibition will conclude on November 20, and during this time, honours will be given to all participants. Festival curator Renuka Kumawat stated, “It is essential to bring Jaipur’s culture to everyone on Jaipur Foundation Day. Jaipur’s heritage is well-known nationally and internationally. Therefore, on this occasion, beautiful pictures of Jaipur should be shown to the youth and the general public, promoting Jaipur’s tourism.” Entry to this exhibition is free for all, allowing more people to see the beautiful Jaipur in pictures.