On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took aim at the opposition Congress, claiming that two of its top figures were engaged in a conflict in Madhya Pradesh in order to establish their sons and seize control of the party organization there. There has been talk of a rift in the MP Congress over nominee selection, sparked by a recent viral video of MP Congress president Kamal Nath asking Congress workers to “tear clothes” of his colleague Digvijaya Singh for refusing a ticket to a Shivpuri leader. Before the state elections on November 17, both of the former CMs have attempted to downplay the incident and present a unified front. Speaking at a public gathering in MP’s Seoni district before thestate elections.
Additionally, Modi announced that the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojna, which feeds 80 crore underprivileged people for free, will be extended for an additional five years.
“During the severe COVID-19 crisis, the only thing that bothered me was how the poor people will provide food to their children when everything was closed. They couldn’t go out of their homes for work and therefore, I decided to fight to save the people of the country under any condition,” he said.
“As a result of this resolve, I decided to provide ration free of cost to 80 crore people so that their children get food through the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojna,” he said.
Modi said that as he comes from a poor family and understands the problems being faced by such people, his government has decided to extend the scheme of providing free ration for the next five years.
“During the Congress regime, scams worth lakhs and crores took place but no such thing takes place during the BJP government and the money thus saved is being spent on providing free ration to the poor people,” he said.
When the BJP took power under the direction of the then-prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a distinct ministry for the welfare of tribal people was established for the first time in the nation, according to Modi. Modi went after the Congress again, claiming that two of its prominent figures are engaged in conflict in Madhya Pradesh in an effort to establish their sons and take control of the party’s organization there.