Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena has given the go-ahead to an inquiry under the Prevention of Corruption Act against a Revenue Department sub-registrar who allegedly demanded bribes from applicants for official work, Raj Niwas officials said on Wednesday.
The complaints against the sub-registrar, Janakpuri, were lodged in 2019 and 2020.
“The LG said that in the interest of justice, there is a need to conduct an inquiry into the allegations against the official, and the Directorate of Vigilance should be directed to process the request received from the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) to do the same after due diligence,” an official said.
Saxena noted that there is “irrefutable evidence” of acts of omission and commission against the officer concerned. The Directorate of Vigilance recommended the investigation under Section 17A of the Prevention of Corruption Act after finding that the Department of Revenue did not give a clarification regarding the allegations levelled by the complainant, the official said.
The Directorate of Vigilance said the ACB sought sanction to probe the matter under the Prevention of Corruption Act as the accused officer had been demanding and obtaining bribes through his agents from applicants coming for various purposes.
It was alleged that the accused officer kept documents pending and cleared them only after bribes were paid to him. Two complaints were filed by the same person in 2019 and 2020.