On Wednesday, Congress National General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi will arrive in Jhunjhunu to unveil the statue of former Central Minister Sheeshram Ola. She will first unveil the statue in the Indira Gandhi Girls Hostel ground, and then there will be a program to address the public. Meanwhile, preparations are being given final shape by the state Congress.
A committee has been constituted by the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee for the systematic management and preparations for the public meeting. The committee includes Minister in-charge Mamta Bhupesh, State Minister Brijendra Singh Ola, MLA Dr Jitendra Singh, Dr Rajkumar Sharma, Rita Kumari, JP Chandelia, former MLA Shravan Kumar, former Congress candidate Bhagwana Ram Saini, PCC Secretary and Divisional In-charge Naseem Akhtar Insaaf, PCC General Secretary and District In-charge Ram Singh Kaswan, and District Congress President Dinesh Sunda, among others. All leaders inspected the venue and the meeting place on Wednesday. The public meeting will be addressed by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, former Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot, Pradesh Prabhari Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, PCC Chief Govind Singh Dotasra, along with other senior leaders.