On Monday, Opposition leader Rajendra Rathore held a press conference and accused the Congress government of using the Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project as an electoral weapon. He said that Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath are responsible for stopping this scheme. He said, “The state government claims to complete this project by the year 2051 and has announced a budget of 37,000 crores for it in the Assembly. But after that, no work has been done on this project.”
Rathore added, “Kamal Nath had first objected to giving the NOC to Rajasthan. After that, Gehlot announced the project on the state’s expenditure, and nothing has happened since the announcements.”
Rathore: Why travel when the CM scheme is working?
Rathore questioned why this Jan Jagran Abhiyan was being launched when CM Gehlot was working on this plan. He said that in the last five years, Rajasthan has reached an economic emergency. As a result, the state’s debt has increased to Rs 5, 37, 013 crores, and the Gehlot government is taking a loan of Rs 14,000 crores for the quarterly period from October to December.
The government is surrounded by law enforcement
During this time, Rathore surrounded the state government about law and order and said that in the last six months, 1.25 lakh cases have been registered in the state, out of which only 33 thousand cases have been sent. In this case, only 25 per cent of the cases have been taken to court after checking. He also said, “Meanwhile, in the state these days, there are daily incidents of rape with 17 women and in many districts of the state, daughters are being auctioned like objects.”
More opposition in the Congress party
He accused the Congress party of more opposition and groupism. He said that due to the opposition and groupism within the party, they have not been able to release the list of its candidates so far, which they claimed to release in September. While reversing the statement on the raid of the CM plan, he said that the arrest of 16 kg gold and the arrest of Gopal Keshwata in the scheme-building case is direct evidence of the corruption of Congress leaders.