J.P. Nadda, the National President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was on a one-day visit to Rajasthan on Monday. During this visit, he held meetings with officials from Udaipur and Jodhpur regions. Nadda emphasised the effective execution of their responsibilities, from booth level to regional level, during these meetings.
Nadda’s meeting, which included the presence of former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, surprised everyone. When Nadda arrived in Udaipur, Raje was with him, from receiving him at the airport to being by his side during the meetings. Various issues were also discussed between the two during this time.
J.P. Nadda discussed party preparations for winning the elections with everyone and provided several tips for winning elections at the grassroots level. He highlighted the significance of booth management, emphasising the need for thorough preparations at the booth level and focusing on booth grading. He stressed that special efforts should be made in the booths where the party’s position was weak in the last three elections, with detailed planning and execution. Nadda also guided election-related work, from voter mobilisation to working hard until the last moment.
Nadda’s Rajasthan visit generated enthusiasm among party officials. It was believed that ticket distribution would be a topic of discussion in the meetings. However, the discussion about tickets took place among senior leaders. The emphasis was on giving the election opportunity to someone who could win, and everyone should support that candidate to win the election. During the meetings, Nadda introduced himself to invited officials. District presidents from all districts provided information about the work carried out by the organisation in front of them. In the meetings, BJP’s state president, C.P. Joshi, and state in-charge, Arun Singh, were also present.