Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal inaugurated a ‘lighthouse’ in Matia Mahal on Tuesday, saying many more such centres will come up soon in the national capital.
The cost of the Matia Mahal centre will be borne by the Dell Foundation, with skilling work being taken care of by the Lighthouse Foundation, the CM said.
The Lighthouse Foundation website describes a ‘lighthouse’ as a centre to run sustainable livelihood programme for urban disadvantaged youth.
Kejriwal spoke at the inauguration about the state of the economy and rising unemployment to highlight the need for such centres.
“Today, the biggest challenge is providing employment to youth. On the other hand, the country’s economy is gradually getting worse. Data shows that about 12 lakh high-net-wort individuals migrated from India in the last few years,” Kejriwal said.
“We had planned four lighthouses. But now we have decided to establish several of them in the city. We can develop community centres lying in disuse to set up lighthouses,” he added.