On Friday, Governor Kalraj Mishra unveiled the statue and memorial of education saint Swami Keshavanand in the village of Mangaluna, Sikar. On this occasion, he said, “The great education saint, freedom fighter, and social reformer Swami Keshavanandji worked to educate and enlighten the entire society. Swamiji’s entire life is an inspiration for all of us. Along with education and social awareness, he made constant efforts for women’s education and rural self-employment.” He said that Keshavanandji established and operated 287 educational institutions in the desert villages of Rajasthan.
Governor Kalraj Mishra emphasised the need to follow the path of ideals as told by Swami Keshavanand. He said that more and more efforts should be made to connect the new generation with the personality and deeds of Swami Keshavanand through sacrifice and austerity. The memorial built in his memory will not only keep people connected with his great deeds but will also inspire them to walk on the path of ideals as he taught. On this occasion, Swami Sumedhanand Ji informed in detail about the work being done by the Swami Keshavanand Memorial Committee.
In the event, Sikar MP Swami Sumedhanand Saraswati said that education saint Swami Keshavanandji raised his voice against superstition and hypocrisy throughout his life and worked continuously for women’s education and the upliftment of society. In the ceremony, Govardhan Lal Dhaka, Chairman of the Smriti Sansthan, expressed gratitude to everyone.