A group of BJP workers protested outside the office of the city police commissioner demanding a free and fair investigation into the road rage incident involving a BJP corporator’s husband and his aides, officials said on Thursday.
The police on Wednesday announced a cash reward of Rs 25,000 on the arrest of Ankit Shuka, the husband of BJP corporator’s Saumya Shukla, and his aides for allegedly thrashing medical equipment shop owner Amol Deep Bhatia near the City Club here on Sunday night.
Police have formed 10 teams to nab five persons, including Ankit Shukla, and have been looking for the accused in Kanpur and neighbouring districts, an official said on Wednesday. Hours after the police announced the cash reward on the arrests, several BJP workers reached the office of Kanpur police commissioner on Wednesday evening and urged the police to lodge an FIR against Bhatia, Joint Commissioner of Police (law and order) Anand Prakash Tiwari said. The BJP leaders and workers demanded a free and fair investigation into the matter. They even said they would offer court arrest along with ten thousand supporters if justice is not provided to Saumya Shukla, Tiwari said.
The protestors were been assured that appropriate action would be taken according to the evidence, he added.
BJP Corporator Saumya Shukla posted a video on social media, wherein she claimed that the incident was deliberately being given a religious colour.