Tiger Shroff is set to star in an action film set in a post-pandemic, dystopian era. Sharing a teaser motion poster that goes with the theme of the film, titled ‘Ganapath’, Tiger wrote on Instagram: “This one is special for me, and especially for you guys! Presenting #Ganapath—get ready for more action, thrill and entertainment!” The teaser has a dialogue by Tiger that goes: “Jab aapan darta hai nah tab apan bohot marta hai (when I get scared, I bash up a lot).” The action-packed thriller is helmed by director Vikas Bahl, who directed ‘Queen’ and ‘Super 30’ in the past. ‘Ganapath’ is planned as the first film of a franchise. “This film is different for me from the rest of the films I’ve done till date because of the character I play,” said the ‘Baaghi’ actor. Bahl added: “It’s a challenge to pull off the scale for a script that is set-up in a futuristic world.” The shoot will begin in mid-2021 and the film is scheduled to release in the following year.