Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said that due to the strenuous efforts of the Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, Punjab is today witnessing a reverse trend as numbers of industries from other states are migrating to Punjab for setting up their ventures.
Addressing the gathering during Sarkaar Sannatkaar Milni here today, the Delhi Chief Minister said that 450 industries from the other states have shifted their operations in Punjab during the last few months. He said that this is contrary to the earlier trend when the exodus of industry was taking place to the other state from Punjab. Arvind Kejriwal said that this is the result of hard work put by Punjab Chief Minister to elevate the state’s ranking in every sphere.
The Delhi Chief Minister said that the Bhagwant Singh Mann government had inherited a system when the industry from the state was fleeing to other states. He said that the industries were fed up from the extortion system that prevailed in the state during the tenure of the previous regimes. However, the Punjab Chief Minister restored the faith of industrialists by providing them an industrial friendly atmosphere coupled with a good law and order situation, Kejriwal added.
The Delhi Chief Minister categorically said that pan India only Punjabis can break the monopoly of China in the industrial sector. He said that the Punjabi industries don’t have to compete with the industry in any other state but they have to make efforts to defeat China in industrial growth.
Arvind Kejriwal said that this is the need of the hour for which the Punjab government will extend all sorts of logistic support.
The Delhi Chief Minister also batted for constituting sector specific task force for giving fillip to the industrial growth. He said that apart from the representatives of the industry these task forces must also have the officers of the state government for planning and executing the strategy to boost growth of these sectors. Arvind Kejriwal envisioned that it will be helpful in ensuring comprehensive growth of the industry in the state.