Punjab’s Speaker in the State Legislative Assembly, Kultar Singh Sandhwan on Wednesday called on Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari to discuss connectivity and the condition of roads in the state. During his meeting with Gadkari, Sandhwan raised the issue of accidents at Tehna village of Kotkapura constituency of district Faridkot and requested the construction of an underpass at the spot to prevent further mishaps.
According to a state government release on Wednesday, the Punjab Speaker brought to the notice of the Union Minister that the spot is prone to accidents due to heavy vehicle traffic coming from Faridkot and other nearby villages. The Speaker said the Minister assured that the issue would be resolved at the earliest and added that the written approval in this regard would be issued soon.
“This under bridge would help in resolving the traffic issue besides helping in avoiding accidents,” Sandhwan said while appealing to the people to drive responsibly. In his meeting with the Union Transport Minister, Sandhwan reportedly apprised Gadkari of the state government’s initiatives. He further told him that the Punjab Government has made around a dozen roads toll-free in the state, saving daily commuters thousands of rupees, the statement said. Sandhwan also discussed in detail other road projects in the state and hoped for their early completion.