The magic of acceptance

In a world where so many difficult situations arise, and where so many of our friends and colleagues seem to be struggling with one thing or another, we may notice that instead of accepting their reality, most people do the opposite – they resist. Resistance and wishing things were otherwise is like swimming against a […]

The magic of acceptance

In a world where so many difficult situations arise, and where so many of our friends and colleagues seem to be struggling with one thing or another, we may notice that instead of accepting their reality, most people do the opposite – they resist. Resistance and wishing things were otherwise is like swimming against a strong current. The moment we begin to accept and go with the flow, magic really does happen.
There are four main levels of acceptance:
Acceptance of the self.
Acceptance of others.
Acceptance of situations.
Acceptance of something higher than the self.
The easiest way to summarise the spiritual journey for the self is the two words that describe our reality – human being. It is easy to accept that we are human because we have physical bodies in a physical dimension. However, unless we accept the ‘being’ part of us, there will be a constant imbalance. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience and expressing ourselves through our words and actions. However, we are greater than the human experience. We are spiritual beings of light, consciousness, and that consciousness is intrinsically full of peace, love, joy, and wisdom. This is the first acceptance and the trickiest one to accept because we see our flaws and failures, that have caused us problems and suffering, as we have slowly forgotten who we really are.
This also helps in the acceptance of others. If I am a being of light then all others are too, no matter how dimly they may be shining. We can accept that the world is not perfect, that we are all wounded and struggling to become better. Some are very aware of this and are making sincere efforts and some are unaware of this. If I can maintain this awareness, then acceptance of others is an act of compassion. This does not mean that we condone behaviour that is out of control. If we just accept that the ‘milk is spilled’, it has happened, we can step back and in the act of stepping back with no recrimination, blame or emotion, we can find a better response.
When we look at the situations we find ourselves in, and accept that this is something we need to face and deal with, we notice that in fact it is not the situation that is the test, it is me in the situation. It is what I am thinking about the situation that is disturbing me and making the pathway through it all, obscure and confused. We need to own and accept what we are feeling and yet not become the emotion. First, witness it (observe), allow it (permit and accept) and then release it (let it go). This process can take moments or sometimes half an hour, and sometimes even longer. The more we practise, the easier it becomes, and the freedom we feel is magical.
The key to all of these elements of acceptance, is the ultimate acceptance, that there is a higher Being than the self, the Supreme Being. The reason we find acceptance difficult is that because we have forgotten we are spiritual beings, gradually our spiritual energy has almost drained away. When we learn how to refuel by connecting to the Supreme Source of power, through meditation, then acceptance becomes easier and easier. The Supreme Being never runs dry, is constantly available, and is the source of all love, peace, joy and wisdom. Daily connection with this Being gradually fills the soul with all the intrinsic qualities that have been depleted. The fuller we are, the more easily we can accept all the tests and challenges we have to face, and sail through triumphant.
If everyone understood that they are beings of light full of peace, love, and joy, accepting and living this truth, what a different world it would be. This is what we are trying to create; a world that is different, based on the truth, through understanding the truth. None of us want to patch up the world, we want to create a completely different paradigm. Any and all of us can take quiet moments to connect with the Supreme Being, who is eternally powerful, and watch the magic happen.
Margaret Barron has a BA in Adult Education and Training and helps co-ordinate the Education Department at the Brahma Kumaris International centre in London.



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