Actors Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan and Jyotika’s supernatural thriller movie will make its debut on theatres countrywide on 8 March, 2024, the makers announced. The untitled film is directed by filmmaker Vikas Bahl, known for movies such as “Super 30”, “Queen” and “Goodbye”. Devgn’s production banner Ajay Devgn Ffilms shared the news of the film’s release date on X, formerly known as Twitter. Makers of yet-to-be-titled supernatural thriller starring Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan, and Jyotika unveiled the release date.
Taking to Instagram, Ajay treated fans with the release announcement and captioned it, “Things are about to take a supernatural turn. Witness the trio of myself, R Madhavan & Jyotika in a nail-biting thriller, directed by Vikas Bahl. Hitting theatres on 8 March, 2024!” Directed by Vikas Bahl, the film will also mark the Hindi film debut of actress Janki Bodiwala.
Presented by Jio Studios, Ajay Devgn Ffilms, & Panorama Studios International, the film is produced by Ajay Devgn, Jyoti Deshpande, Kumar Mangat Pathak, & Abhishek Pathak.
As soon as the release date was announced, the actor’s fans and followers swamped down the comment section and dropped red hearts and fire emoticons.
Ajay has joined the star cast of Abhishek Kapoor’s next big-screen action adventure.