The Allahabad High Court has launched the online portal for the general public to gain access to Hindi translations of the judgement of the Court. The Online portal was officially being launched on Friday under the chairmanship of Chief Justice Pritinkar Diwakar.
The online portal can be reached here:
It has been stated by the High Court in the month of March this year that the judgements published translated into the Hindi language.
The said decision was taken soon after Justice Pritinker Diwaker had taken oath as the new Chief Justice of the High Court.
Through the online portal, the important decision of the Supreme Court and Allahabad High Court will be made available to the general public so as to make them aware of their rights and their duties.
The judgements which are translated can be accessed from the link ‘Translated Judgments’ on the main page of the official website of the High Court.
It has also been clarified by the High Court that these translated judgements will not be used for any legal or official purpose and will be purely for personal information only.
However, the launched ceremony was being attended by the Justice Surya Prakash Kesarwani, Justice Manoj Kumar Gupta, Justice Anjani Kumar Mishra, Justice Mahesh Chandra Tripathi, Justice Siddharth Verma and Justice Soumitra Dayal Singh.
Recently, the Delhi High Court, Kerala High Court, Bombay High Court and Himachal Pradesh High Court have also started publishing decisions in their regional language.