Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Monday said a drought-like situation and power crisis have emerged in Madhya Pradesh due to no rains last month, and he appealed to people to pray for good showers in the state. The state government is making efforts to purchase power from other states, but such a situation is prevailing in the entire country, Chouhan told reporters in Ujjain after offering prayers at the Mahakaleshwar temple.
The assembly elections in the state are due this year-end. “The month of August has almost been dry, so a drought situation is arising in Madhya Pradesh now. Crops are in danger. I have prayed to Mahakal that it rains well and the crops be saved,” Chouhan said.
“I appeal to the people in villages and cities to pray according to their local traditions for good rains. The prayers are heard, they work. If the prayers are offered with true sentiments, God showers blessings,” the CM said. The state government will leave no stone unturned to work for the welfare of farmers, he said.
“I held a meeting yesterday to deal with the situation arising out of scanty rains. Instructions have been given to release water from dams where crops can be saved from such a step,” he said. Chouhan said the power crisis also arose in the state due to scanty rainfall. “During this season, so much electricity is not required due to the availability of water in dams and water bodies. Farmers don’t run motor pumps due to water availability. The water in dams also results in power generation,” he said.
Generally, 8,000-9,000 MW power is needed in this season, but the demand has gone up to 15,000 MW, resulting in the demand-supply gap and farmers are not getting adequate electricity supply, the CM said. “I have directed to arrange and purchase electricity so that farmers can irrigate their agricultural fields. I admit that there was a problem for three days recently. We made efforts, but the drought-like situation is prevailing in the entire country,” he said.
Chouhan appealed to the people to be judicious in using electricity.