In a devastating turn of events, an infant and a woman lost their lives, while five others sustained injuries, when a residential building tragically collapsed shortly after midnight in Thane district. The incident unfolded in the Dhobi Talao area of Bhiwandi town, leaving the community in shock and despair, according to civic officials.
The ill-fated structure, a single-storey building comprising six flats, stood on Durga Road. Thane Municipal Corporation’s disaster management cell chief, Yasin Tadvi, provided details of the heart-wrenching incident that transpired.
Following the distressing incident, a swift response team, including the Thane Disaster Response Force (TDRF) and firefighters from the Bhiwandi Nizampur Municipal Corporation, rushed to the scene to offer assistance and aid in the search and rescue operation.
In the dark hours of the night, a search operation was carried out, leading to the successful retrieval of seven individuals from the debris. An eight-month-old girl and a woman, identified as Uzma Atif Momin (40) and Taslima Mosar Momin (8 months), succumbed to their injuries.
Among the injured were four women and a 65-year-old man. They were promptly admitted to a local hospital, where they were reported to be in stable condition, according to the official statement.
The task of search and rescue, along with debris clearance, was successfully completed by 3:30 am.
Questions loom over the age of the collapsed building and whether it had previously been designated as a dangerous structure.
Investigations into the incident are still underway.