The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Thursday confirmed the presence of sulphur on the Moon, using a different technique than the one used by its previous mission, Chandrayaan-2. The confirmation came after the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectroscope (APXS) instrument onboard the Chandrayaan-3 mission’s rover ‘Pragyan’ was rotated in search of a safe route. The rotation was captured by a Lander Imager Camera.
“It feels as though a child is playfully frolicking in the yards of Chandamama, while the mother watches affectionately. Isn’t it?” ISRO said in a post on Twitter.
The space agency further said the APXS has detected sulphur, as well as other minor elements on the Moon.
“This finding by Ch-3 compels scientists to develop fresh explanations for the source of Sulphur (S) in the area: intrinsic?, volcanic?, meteoritic?,……?” read the post.
The Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) instrument onboard the rover has already confirmed the presence of sulphur. Detailed scientific analysis of these observations are in progress. The 26-kg, six-wheeled, solar-powered Pragyan rover is equipped to use its scientific instruments to record what the lunar soil and rocks are made of in the south polar region where Chandrayaan-3 landed and it would also show how the readings contrast with that of the highland regions. APXS instrument is best suited for in-situ analysis of the elemental composition of soil and rocks on the surface of planetary bodies having little atmosphere, such as the Moon, an ISRO statement said.