Ahead of the impending assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is mobilising its political machinery with the launch of ‘Jan Ashirwad Yatras’ from five key regions of the state. Scheduled to kick off in the first week of September, the mass outreach events are set to be inaugurated by BJP’s senior leadership, including party president JP Nadda and Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
According to a state BJP spokesperson, these yatras will traverse diverse areas such as Vindhya, Mahakaushal, Malwa, Gwalior-Chambal, and Bundelkhand, before concluding in Bhopal, the state’s capital. The line-up of leaders spearheading the events also includes Union ministers Rajnath Singh and Nitin Gadkari.
JP Nadda will initiate the first yatra on September 3, setting off from Chitrakoot in the Vindhya region. The procession will then move towards Bhopal through Niwari. Following that, Amit Shah will launch the second yatra from Mandla on September 5, reaching Bhopal via Jabalpur. On the same day, Shah will also inaugurate another march originating from Sheopur in the Gwalior-Chambal area.
Additionally, Nitin Gadkari is scheduled to lead a march from Khandwa, under the Indore division, on September 6. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will inaugurate another yatra from Neemuch in the Malwa region on September 4.
All yatras are slated to culminate in Bhopal on September 25, where a “Karyakarta Mahakumbh” or a mega gathering of party workers is planned. State BJP secretary Rajneesh Agrawal confirmed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited to the event.