Congress leader and spiritual guru Acharya Pramod, while explaining the purpose of religion, said that the purpose of religion and politics is one and the same. Originally, both were meant to serve the people, but now, it seems that they have become about acquiring power. The purpose of both religion and politics should be the welfare of the people. Just like there is no specific religion of rivers, earth, or the sun, in the same way, the Supreme Being belongs to everyone. Does the Supreme Being belong to Hindus or Allah to Muslims? I believe that the Supreme Being is one.
The Prime Minister has referred to the world as a family because our scriptures say, “VasudhaivaKutumbakam” (the world is one family).Acharya Pramod pointed out that the problem began when we started associating language, attire, rituals, and external appearances with religion. There is no mention in any religion in the world that the Supreme Being is not one. Besides the Supreme Being, there is no other true religion. He mentioned that the distorted form of religion is not due to religion itself but because the distorted shadow of politics has affected the essence of religion. Conflicts have occurred in the name of religion not only in India but also in countries like the United States and Russia, but this is a distorted form of religion.
He emphasized that it is a battle for power and a game of politics that has draped itself in the garb of religion, and this is causing problems. To confront this, he believes we need to broaden our perspective.In the context of the 2024 elections and the role of religion in them, Acharya Pramod stated that Hinduism has no room for hardline or aggressive versions. Hinduism means softness. Forgiveness, sacrifice, love, and compassion are the essence of Hinduism. Uniting is Hinduism; dividing is not. Different people have different worship methods, but there is only one true essence of religion.
He also mentioned that what is intended for religion should have religion in it, and what is intended for politics should have politics in it. It is the duty of religious leaders to correct the definition of religion that is reaching the people.