In a major crackdown, the Delhi Police arrested four accused wanted for dacoity from the house of a businessman in Ashok Vihar. The accused have been identified as Jitender (29), Chuttan Lal (50), Ajay Pal (28), and Mahipal (49).
Ravindra Singh Yadav, Special Commissioner of Police Crime, Delhi, said that for three months, the case remained unsolved and no person could be identified. The Delhi Commissioner of Police announced a cash reward of Rs 2 lakh to solve this case.
According to police, on May 7, in the early hours of Sunday, five masked, armed dacoits barged into the house of a businessman in the area of Ashok Vihar, sleeping in his house with his parents, wife, sister, and their children.
The armed dacoits were carrying three fire arms, a knife, and housebreaking instruments. The victim had a paper trading business, had an office on the ground floor, and lived on the first floor of the building. The armed dacoits had cut the iron grill of a window on the ground floor and managed to enter the house through the office.
They first ransacked the office but did not find anything. Then they entered the house, which woke up the victim’s family. They held the entire family captive at gunpoint and ransacked the house, but did not find anything.
They then assaulted the businessman with a bat and asked him to tell them where the cash and jewellery were kept.
The dacoits took away cash worth more than a crore and jewellery worth about two kg. However, one suspect identified as Jitender was intercepted and arrested at Rohini, and he later revealed the names of the other accused, who were arrested as well. During interrogation, they said that Mehraj was the mastermind of the present crime.