Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal on Monday said the Haryana Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation HRIDC will soon commence the construction of HORC twin tunnel project .It is an engineering marvel designed to bridge the gap between the proposed Industrial Model Township, Sohna and Dhulawat stations, an official statement said.
‘’It is an engineering marvel designed to bridge the gap between the proposed Industrial Model Township, Sohna and Dhulawat stations,’’ an official statement said.
‘’The project, estimated to cost Rs 1,088 crore, comprises two 4.7 km long twin tunnels that will conquer an 80 m high vertical cliff of the formidable Aravalli range, ushering in a new era of railway connectivity in the region,’’ it said.
Haryana Chief Secretary Kaushal was presiding over a board meeting of the HRIDC here.
Kaushal further said the Haryana Orbital Rail Corridor (HORC) twin tunnel is a transformative milestone in the development of Haryana’s railway network, promising to significantly enhance freight transportation and spur economic growth in the area.
The project will utilize cutting-edge technology, including the new Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM), renowned for its safety and efficiency in tunnelling through challenging terrain.