Senior BJP leader and former Chief Minister of Karnataka, Basavaraj Bommai, has called on the state government to declare an “agriculture drought” amidst decreased seed sowing and mounting farmer distress. He further proposed a grant of Rs 1 crore to each constituency to address prevailing drinking water crises.
Bommai voiced these concerns in the Legislative Assembly, accusing the government of disregarding the seriousness of farmer suicides and the negative effects of the current dry spell. Regions including North Karnataka, Kalyan Karnataka, and the state’s interior parts have seen little rainfall, causing a delay in farming activities. The timing of sowing is crucial as it directly impacts crop duration, yield, and eventual revenue.
Highlighting the lack of pre-monsoon showers, Bommai pointed out that while seeding was scheduled for more than 7 lakh hectares of land, it had been possible in only 1.14 lakh hectares due to scanty rains. He warned that if this trend continues, it would result in reduced agricultural production, significantly affect the state’s revenue, and put farmers in a severe state of distress. Bommai stressed the need for the government to consider the current situation as an agriculture drought and treat it with the severity it warrants. The allocated Rs 1 crore for drinking water provided to the Zilla panchayat CEOs, according to him, is insufficient and pleaded for an equivalent grant to be issued to each constituency.
Taking a critical stance on the Agriculture Minister’s comments on farmer suicides, Bommai objected to the statistical portrayal of farmers’ deaths. “Is it right to talk about farmer suicides through statistics?” he questioned, labelling such comments as negligent and irresponsible. He urged for a more thorough discussion on the matter in the House. These developments reflect the mounting concern over the agricultural crisis unfolding in the state of Karnataka.