Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Gautam Gambhir on Sunday said that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will have to tell the people how much money the government has spent on infrastructure and advertisements in the last nine years under his tenure amid flooding and water logging in several parts of the city.
The East Delhi MP alleged that CM Kejriwal runs away from issues whenever Delhi is in trouble. While speaking to a leading news agency, Gautam Gambhir said,” Delhi CM will have to tell the people how much money has been spent on infrastructure in the city and how much on advertisement. Delhi CM runs away from every issue, be it calamity or any other problem. It is our responsibility to save Delhi.”
The blame game over the Yamuna spill and flooding in the national capital took centrestage yet again, with the BJP’s Delhi chief Virendraa Sachdeva claiming that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal did not plan or prepare for the prevailing situation.
The BJP leader’s remark came in response to Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj’s statement on Saturday that the BJP at the Centre and in neighbouring Haryana had hatched a conspiracy to push the national capital into a flood-like situation.
“The rainfall had been predicted in advance. What preparations did CM Kejriwal make? People displaced from the flooded low-lying areas of the Yamuna are being made to sleep under an open sky on roads. What preparations did the Delhi government make for them?” the BJP
leader said.