The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Punjab president Sunil Jakhar on Friday lambasted the Bhagwant Mann-led government in the state for an “abjectly dismal” and callous response to the grievous flood situation despite timely alerts from the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The BJP’s state president targeted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government for indulging in “PR drama” and histrionics while people across the state fought for survival after losing their homes and belongings. Jakhar took to Twitter on Friday, saying migrant labourers had died while waiting for treatment as CM Bhagwant Mann’s cavalcade did not let them get access to the requisite medical care.
Jakhar tweeted, “Irony died a thousand deaths today when a poor migrant labourer lost his life in Darewala-Gidarpindi (Lohian block, Shahkot) for lack of treatment because of road blockage for CM’s ‘photo-op’ visit to the same area.”
“People today need immediate relief and not photo stunts by AAP leaders who are fond of remaining active online,” Jakhar said, mincing no words. The BJP state chief also asked the state government not to wait for Girdawari and provide immediate interim relief to all those who suffered losses.
The former Member of Parliament (MP) and senior BJP leader also urged Chief Minister Mann to ensure that adequate crop damage compensation was given to farmers in border areas who might not possess the required Girdawari documents.
Jakhar, who visited the Ferozepur, Zira, and Shahkot areas earlier in the day to take stock of the situation and interact with people on the ground, gave assurances to residents. He also said that he would take up their fight for effective and timely compensation with the state government, which “has been caught napping from the word go.”
“The people of Punjab are today asking the Chief Minister why he did not review the state’s flood preparedness when there were enough alerts issued by the Meteorological Department as early as 4 July. An orange alert was issued on 6 July, Jakhar pointed out, “but the Chief Minister kept sleeping over it and was busy touring other states.” Jakhar further added that had the CM reviewed the situation in a timely manner and ordered the appropriate measures, “the situation would not have turned so distressing today.”
In Jalandhar, which was one of the worst-hit areas in the state, the situation has continued to deteriorate because the drains were not cleaned this year. BJP chief Jakhar has demanded accountability from the government for failing to undertake an annual measure which the CM should have ensured before the monsoon began.
Reiterating the BJP’s commitment to extend all help and support to all those affected, Jakhar thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the timely release of Rs 218.40 crore by making the required exemptions to ensure prompt redressal of the problems being faced by Punjabis.
Jakhar was accompanied by senior party leaders including Rana Sodhi, Former MLA Sukhpal Singh Nannu, District president Avtar Singh Zira, Distt president Jalandhar Rural Pankaj Dhingra, and former MLA and Jalandhar Lok Sabha candidate Inder Iqbal Atwal.