The All India Congress Committee (AICC) on Monday announced that it had appointed office bearers to both its Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee as well as its District Congress Committees. A statement signed by AICC General Secretary KC Venugopal read: “Hon’ble Congress President has approved the proposal for the appointment of Pradesh Congress office bearers and Presidents to various District Congress Committees, in the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee, as follows, with immediate effect.”
The AICC has appointed Vidhyadhar Nagar MLA Sitaram Agarwal as the treasurer while Lalit Tunwal has been appointed the Organisation’s General Secretary. The party has appointed 21 Vice Presidents and 121 General Secretaries. The AICC has also appointed the Presidents for 25 different District Congress Committees.
The party’s state president for Rajasthan, Govind Dotasra shared the list on his official Twitter handle and congratulated the new appointees. “Hearty congratulations and best wishes to all the newly appointed office bearers of the Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee by AICC. I have full faith that all of you will set new records in the state by strengthening the Congress organisation,” the Congress state President tweeted.