In a high-level meeting on Monday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the efforts being made in the public interest following heavy rains in various districts of the state and gave necessary instructions.
After heavy rains in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, there is a possibility of an increase in the water level of various rivers in the state in the next few days. Along with irrigation and water resources, all departments related to relief and rescue should remain on alert. So far this year, 24 districts have received more than average rainfall, while 31 districts have recorded less than average rainfall.
However, according to meteorologists, there is a possibility of good rainfall in these districts in the month of July. Constant monitoring of the changing weather conditions should be done. CM Yogi said, “In the last few days, there have been reports of loss of life and property due to lightning in many places. Assistance should be provided to such victim families immediately. This year, incidents of lightning are increasing in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It is necessary to develop a better system for accurate forecasting of celestial lightning (an early warning system). This is necessary to keep human and animal losses to a minimum.”
CM Yogi further suggested that the joint team of the Magistrate, Municipal Commissioner, Executive Officer, and Police should make arrangements according to the local needs to avoid water logging.
He also said that there should be no delay in providing relief work to flood-affected areas. “It should be ensured that there is no shortage or artificial shortage of urea anywhere. Sufficient urea should be available to the farmers on time. In villages facing floods and waterlogging, animals should be shifted to a safer place as per the requirements. For this, the place should be selected keeping in mind the condition of the districts. There should be adequate arrangements for animal fodder at these sites”, added the UP Chief Minister.