Madhya Pradesh Police have registered cases against Congress veteran Digvijaya Singh for allegedly sharing a controversial post on former Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief MS Golwalkar on social media, officials said on Sunday.
The cases were registered in Indore and Guna on the charge of promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, and residence. The FIR in Indore was registered on a complaint lodged by an RSS worker on Saturday night, while the one in Guna was registered on Sunday afternoon, police said.
Digvijaya Singh on Saturday tweeted a picture of a page carrying several controversial comments attributed to the former RSS head, known as ‘Guruji’ among his admirers. Golwalkar was quoted as saying he would rather live under British rule than have equal rights given to Dalits, backwards, and Muslims. Some other controversial comments were also attributed to him.
Digvijaya Singh, in a tweet while sharing a post on Golwalkar, stated, “Must know what Guru Golwalkar ji’s thoughts were for Dalits, backwards, and Muslims and on the rights over water, forest, and land.” Singh’s post had a page with a quote claimed to be from a book by Golwalkar. Another quote about Dalits, backwards, and Muslims was claimed to have been made by Golwalkar in 1940.
Following the post, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan accused Congress leaders of spreading “misinformation” and creating social hatred by sharing a “false” post on Golwalkar. Chouhan said the former RSS head worked throughout his life to remove social differences and build a harmonious society. However, a state Congress leader said Digvijaya Singh shared facts on the basis of a book and that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) cannot silence the voice of his party.