Actress Kangana Ranaut put on 20 kg for her role as late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa in the biopic, Thalaivi, and is now working at returning to her earlier size, agility, metabolism and flexibility. Tweeting a photo from her workout session, Kangana wrote: “I had gained 20 kg for Thalaivi, now that we are very close to completing it, need to go back to my earlier size, agility, metabolism and flexibility. Waking up early and going for a jog/walk… who all are with me?” The actress had recently shared that she has completed the latest schedule of the upcoming biopic. “With the blessings of Jaya Ma we completed one more schedule of Thalaivi—the revolutionary leader. After corona many things are different but between action and before cut nothing changes. Thank you team,” she had written. The film will be released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi languages.