The Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami, said on Thursday that the state would enact harsh legislation to combat the drug mafias if necessary.
CM Dhami stated, in reference to a recent Narco Coordination Centre meeting, that the State Government is prepared to take whatever severe measures are necessary to end the sale of narcotics and declare Uttarakhand drug-free by 2025.
“Our Prime Minister and Home Minister have the vision for India to become a drugs-free nation, to make the children aware and to make them quit the habit, and to save the people who have become addicted. We had an NCORD meeting today regarding this matter, and we have agreed to make a drugs-free Uttarakhand before 2025,” the Chief Minister said.
He continued to say that the State Government would implement severe legislation and take every action possible to stop the “drug mafia” from trafficking drugs.
“If there is a need to bring a stringent law like the anti-counterfeiting law to root out the drug mafia in the state, it can be done. However possible, we will get our people and our children out of this habit of consuming drugs,” he added.
In the NCORD meeting, Deputy Director General of Narcotics Control Bureau MGyaneshwar Singh informed that 238 kg charas, 30 kg doda, 12 kg opium, 19.11 kg smack, 1.57 kg heroin, 1232.55 kg ganja, 105390 capsules, 17506 injections, and 32110 tablets were seized in Uttarakhand in the year 2022. Additionally, 141.5 acres of cannabis and 108.5 acres of hemp crops were destroyed.
Through May 2023, 586 cases under the NDPS Act have been filed, and 742 suspects have been taken into custody. The Chief Minister has ordered the police to take swift action against the criminals and drug mafia involved in drug trade in order to break the supply chain of drugs in Uttarakhand.
“The officers should develop a work culture of taking ownership to get the work done instead of being limited to mere meetings. It is the duty of the officers as well as the service of humanity,” he said.
CM Dhami has also given instructions to work seriously on the action plan for sending officers and jawans of the Uttarakhand Police Department to Narcotics Control Bureaus for deputation and training.
High-ranking representatives of the Uttarakhand government, including Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Director General of Police Ashok Kumar, Secretary RK Sudhanshu, Narcotics Control Bureau, and others, attended the meeting. At the Secretariat, NCORD (State Level Narcotics Coordination Meeting) was holding its fourth state-level meeting.