Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin has reiterated the commitment of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) to coordinate with the opposition parties in preparation for the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. In a press conference held last night upon his return from Japan, the Chief Minister expressed concerns about the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) using agencies like Income Tax, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and Enforcement Directorate (ED) to intimidate opposition parties.
Chief Minister Stalin accused the BJP-led central government of resorting to tactics to target and avenge other political parties through the misuse of agencies such as the IT, ED, and CBI. He referred to recent Income Tax searches conducted on relatives and individuals associated with his cabinet colleague V Senthil Balaji. “The BJP government is already engaged in this pattern of intimidation and targeting in other states. Now, it has started here,” Stalin stated. Returning from his official nine-day visit to Singapore and Japan aimed at attracting investments to Tamil Nadu, Chief Minister Stalin addressed questions about his meeting with Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders, Chief Ministers Arvind Kejriwal of Delhi and Bhagwant Mann of Punjab. When asked if the meeting was part of a broader effort to coordinate the opposition, Stalin confirmed the ongoing efforts, stating, “That effort is already on. This is not new. DMK will also be involved in it wholeheartedly.”
Responding to a query regarding the installation of the ‘Sengol’ (sceptre) in the new Parliament building and its significance to Tamil pride, the Chief Minister expressed skepticism.
He remarked that the Sengol could have symbolized Tamil pride if it genuinely originated from the Chola dynasty, as claimed. However, he pointed out that it had lost its significance due to the assault on women wrestlers by the police during a protest demanding the arrest of Wrestling Federation of India chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh for alleged sexual