After a lot of anticipation Asur 2 premiered on Jio Cinema on June 1. The psychological thriller stars Arshad Warsi, Barun Sobti, Ridhi Dogra, Anupriya Goenka, Amey Wagh, Meiyang Chang, Abhishek Chauhan and Gaurav Arora, among others. The second season has arrived after several years and the trailer promises to follow the journey of Arshad Warsi as Dhananjay Rajput and Barun Sobti as Nikhil Nair, caught in a gripping chase to hunt a killer aka Asur. Here’s what netizens have to say about the new season, first user says, “I’ve watched 2 episodes, and damn, the consistency remains in this season, and the dialogues are so clean. Highly recommended.” Second user says, “What a Monster Intro They Have created Mann, The Animation, those sanskrit Shlok’s, the thought behind it, that obsessive bgm.” Another user says, “After watching 2 episode of #asur2 feeling like this season will definitely be worth it of 3 years wait… Excited for next episode..”