Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who met Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar on Thursday to seek the party’s support in Rajya Sabha against the Centre’s ordinance on control of administrative services in the national capital, said that the defeat of the Bill in the Upper House will be the testimony of opposition unity.
Kejriwal said that if the Bharatiya Janata Party fails to pass the Bill in Rajya Sabha, it will imply that the “Narendra Modi government will not be able to return to power at the Centre after the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.” “Sharad Pawar ji has assured us that NCP will support us in defeating the Bill in Rajya Sabha.
We are trying to gather support from all non-BJP parties against the Centre’s ordinance on control of administrative services in the national capital,” Kejriwal said at a joint press conference with Pawar.
He thanked Pawar for his assurance to support the AAP in the Upper House and said that it is a fight for the “federal structure” of the country.
“I thank Sharad Pawar that he has assured his support that when the Bill comes to Rajya Sabha, they will not let the Bill pass in the House. If all non-BJP parties come together in Rajya Sabha, this Bill can be failed.
This is not a fight for Delhi, it is a fight for the federal structure,” he said.
“If the BJP is not able to pass the Bill in Rajya Sabha, then one should consider it a semi-final of 2024. The message will be that the Modi government is not returning in 2024,” the Delhi Chief Minister added.