Eight high-capacity country-made bombs were found at Kizhakkal within Kannavam police station limits in Kannur district, police said on Monday. The bombs were tied in sacks and kept under the culvert. The bomb squad arrived and defused them. Sub-inspector Sathishan V of Kannavam police station said, “A case has been registered by the Kannavam police regarding the incident.” More details are awaited on the matter.
Earlier on May 13, a bomb was hurled at a house in Kerala’s Kannur district, police said.
A country-made bomb was thrown at the house of Mavila Kunjumon in Vayathur at around 1.40 am today, according to the FIR lodged with police in the incident.
According to the complainant, his house was badly damaged in the incident.
Inspector Sudheer Kallen of Ulikal Police Station in Kannur Rural, where the FIR has been registered, said that it was not immediately clear who was behind the alleged attack.
The FIR was lodged under the Explosive Substances Act.