NEW DELHI : The Supreme Court is likely to hear today plea of activist Gautam Navlakha, who is under house arrest in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, that he be shifted from a public library in Mumbai to some other place. A bench of Justices K M Joseph and B V Nagarathna had on 28 April directed the CBI to file its reply within two weeks on Navlaka’s petition seeking to be shifted from the public library to some other place in the city as the facility needs to be vacated. Besides, the top court also directed Navlakha to deposit another Rs 8 lakh toward expenses for making available police personnel for his security. While ordering his house arrest on 10 November last year, the apex court had initially directed Navlakha to deposit Rs 2.4 lakh as the expenses to be borne by the state for making available police personnel to effectively facilitate placing him under house arrest.